Monday, November 07, 2005

Five hours of sleep is not so hot.

Getting all the peripheral work out of the way so that I can concentrate on the important things when I'm fully conscious is.

Any and all prayers for the completion of my color and design project in a timely and visually attractive manner will be accepted.


ReformationGirl said...

awww...Mackenzie- you sound so stressed... is this what I have to look forward to? :-)

brenderlin said...

TWO hours of sleep however, is the crizzap.

and yes, I put 'izz' in the middle of 'crap'. I am so homeschooled.

Mackenzie said...

No, you only have that to look forward to if you refuse to look further than a week ahead. It's a good way of coping in some ways, except that when you have a lot of large long-term projects coming up it's not so hot.

Did you only get two hours of sleep Matt? And if so, it's no wonder you're using words like "crizzap".

jemmo said...

Hey, it's better than "shiznit."