Monday, August 29, 2005


I'm here. Books acquired, groceries gotten, car arrived in one piece (although the right headlight is a different headlight than we started out with), moved in, roommate's here, drinking chai tea, deep breath, everything will be all right.

This is my thought process. My thoughts careen around corners blindly, and refuse to stop at traffic lights or road signs. What I say is never what I thought I was going to say. Too much happens, and I go through too many emotions in quick succession to really grasp or understand them. At the end of the day I have a jumbled mass of tag ends of thoughts, driblets of meaning, and a raging frustration that the internet isn't working - which I suppose is why I lie awake at night. My brain is simply trying to buy itself more time to think things through and figure things out.

I find it much harder to blog when I can't simply pick up Persephone, pop open her lid, and let it all pour out. I forget what I wanted to say, or change it, or decide there's simply too much, so I don't say anything at all.

Which I think is how this post is going to be. You'll have to guess at the particulars. What did she eat for breakfast this morning? What are her books? Are any of her friends in her classes this semester? No one will know. Except those of you I talk to in real life. In which case you'll hear everything, probably three times over. I never realized, until I came away to college, how much I depend on debriefing with my family to process the happenings of the day and validate my existence. Which is, I guess, why I still call home practically every day.

Hall meeting soon - after which I will get my belongings out of storage, and possibly write something before I go to bed. Or watch HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which they're showing on Larsen lawn tonight. If I can get someone to go with me.

Loves to all,

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