Monday, January 23, 2006

today's the birthday of eduard manet!

I'm pretty sure I spelled Eduard wrong, but those french names have so many vowels in them... I just can't manage to remember everything.

Tonight I make a semi-offical speech as layout editor to anyone who'd interested in helping out, so that makes me feel very nervous. I hope I don't do something embarrassing like passng out.

I finished the second draft of Mabyn, so hopefully by tomorrow at one I'll be all set. I'm just slightly nervous that the professor keeps confusing the good and evil. Just because they both make her afraid doesn't mean they make her afraid for the same reason. I tried really really hard to differentiate. Anyway. We'll see. I'd like to have more time with this, but it's probably my own fault for not starting the story way earlier.

Yeah. Other than that I'm just feeling a lot of pressure. I shouldn't, because spring semester hasn't even started yet, but I am all the same. I really should come up with a better way of coping. Hm....


Anonymous said...

personally i think you should hit stuff, and then drink some milk while eating oreos and watching rvb. that calms me down pretty well. :)

oh! and i actually know that guy! eduard manet. oh crap. i was thinking of claud monet. hmm, ill just leave that in instead of deleting it and keeping my dignity, cuz im sure its good for a laugh somewhere.

Mackenzie said...

Haha. They're both impressionists. Ocean's Eleven talks about them....

Danny: "Now, I always confused Monet and Manet... which one had syphilis?"

Tess: "Manet."

Danny: "Right, and Monet married his mistress."

Tess: "They also painted occasionally."