Thursday, January 12, 2006

i can't remember if i'm the good twin or the evil one.

So, yesterday was much better. Less flipping out, less psyochanalyzing all my artistic faults, and less crying. So all in all, you could call it a good day. I wouldn't quite, but you could. Don't get me wrong, it was a decent day. I just didn't really write anything good, you know? And I feel like I definitely should, seeing as there's only nine days of class left in J-term. Some sort of improvement should definitely be going on right now. And I don't think "improvement of mood" or "improvement in mental balance" qualify.

I did have a good talk with Professor Walker today. She said some interesting things about peer review and perfectionism. In peer review, the main reason people won't give unpleasant feedback is because somewhere in their being, they feel superior to the person they're critiquing. She also said that at base level, perfectionism is all about arrogance. Which is a very uncomfortable revelation for me, but it just might be true. I'm still thinking about it.

And then, when I got out of work, everything was foggy! It was ridiculously beautiful, it really was. Meredith and I broke out our cameras and took some pictures, although of course night + fog = lousy pictures. Anyway, it was fun.

Today I turn in four poems to the teacher. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Liz said...


Feedback thing--gack. But yes, I think it's often true. If you feel that the person you're critiquing just doesn't have a don't give it as much attention, you don't correct everything that you'd bust on yourself for (if you could achieve that kind of remove from your own work). At least, that's what I tend to do...also, if you're already correcting a ton you feel like you want to let a few things just slide.

So then the trick to getting honest feedback from others is to make them hate you just enough that they WANT to crush you with their betterness and not quite enough that they just start hating everything you write and bashing indiscriminately on your work/you. A fine line. ;^)

And the perfectionism=arrogance is true too, I think, at least sometimes.