Wednesday, August 08, 2007

can i take this, really, can i finish this? these years and all these creatures

I have too much change in my life. I decided this last week, my satchel jingling merrily as I walked from Eisenhower to Old Main. I mean, I sound like Santa and all his reindeer! Some little kid is going to come running out of the Early Learning Center and give me his list!

My diabolically clever plan for dealing with the excess of round metal pieces in my life? Start using exact change. Exact. No matter how ridiculous it seems. Every time I buy a cup of coffee, I'm that dude standing in line shuffling through a handful of change. $.99 cup of coffee? $.99 exactly comes out of my wallet (this morning I handed nine dimes, a nickel, and four pennies to Matt, who looked properly impressed at my change-counting prowess).

I think that officially counts as a quirk.

I feel bad that I haven't been entertaining you lately. So, for your reading enjoyment, a few points about why I have awesome coworkers:

Dan: "Wouldn't it be nice if we could have the Matrix, and just plug in and learn everything that everyone's learned before us? It would make life seem like it had more of a point."
Me: "I took this class once where we talked a lot about collective consciousness and collective wisdom and the possibility that one day we'll be able to tap into this huge overmind thing."
Susan: "That would be wikipedia."

Dan: "Have you used any of these fine-tip sharpie markers recently? I love these things. If Jesus had to use a sharpie marker, I feel like he would use these."

Countdown: 7

Countdown to my apartment: 9

P.S. My favorite typos of the day:

". . . peace can be neutured."

". . . an increased sneeze of place . . . ."

1 comment:

brenderlin said...

So, there's this thing that's been going around the screenwriting blogs I read. And now I'm it, and have to tag five people

Congratulations. You are now part of the vicious cycle.

“Once you’ve been tagged, as I have, you must write a blog post with ten weird, random things, little-known facts or habits about yourself. At the end, choose at least 5 people to be tagged, list their names and why you picked them. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says “you’ve been tagged” and tell them to read your latest blog.”