Monday, July 09, 2007

Probably I should be too tired to blog. But I guess I'll have time to type out this one short, hysterical and absurd story:

So today I go to Greg's house. First time ever. So I'm meeting his cat, you know, meeting the new kitten, meeting the grandmother, meeting his best friend from forever, all that good stuff. We make lunch, bike to get ice cream, play Harvest Moon, watch a movie. As I'm backing up to leave his house tonight, he raises his hand and grimaces, as if he wants to tell me something -


- I totally backed into his basketball hoop.

Great. I haven't even met his parents and already I'm destroying their belongings. Yep, that's me, the girlfriend that causes property damage.

I've now completed the circle. Every child in my family has had a car accident in the past week. Mine was probably the most minor, resulting in not a single scratch to the car, but a rather sizeable dent in the pole of the basketball hoop.

Then, after I've pulled out of his driveway, and am merrily (except not) on my way back towards Messiah, my phone goes off. It's Greg.

"Mackenzie, you turned right out of the driveway."
"Yeah, I'm supposed to, because I totally took a left to get in."
"No, that was on Werner Road. Which you had to take a left out of the driveway to get to."


Anonymous said...

Inspiring. Oh, Kenzie, I love you. And hey, if the pole was only dented, you come off pretty well, right?

And Greg sounds cool. :)

jemmo said...

At least you got un-lost enough to blog about it! (Apparently we still have the weird psychic connection, because I got lost today too.) Yay for lost-ness and huge-ass e-mails, anyway!