Wednesday, July 18, 2007

forget what we're told - before we get too old

"the more it saw the more it burned to see"
- Dante (quoted by Dr. Powers)

Wow, can I just say, someone else's itunes library is a totally exciting prospect? I never thought that I would be so bored of my own music - but I am. I have a feeling my birthday list is going to include a lot of CDs from a lot of eclectic bands. Good plan? Good plan.

I love waking up to an unreasonable stab of joy. Regardless of the overall gray of my room, regardless of the fact that I got woken by a phone call for my roommate yet again (she was late for work), regardless of the fact that I didn't get enough sleep, or that I had only another eight hours of work to look forward to today, and that I most likely won't see my family, or that I'm broke because someone stole my identity or anything else. . . regardless, I woke up with a sense of anticipation. And I love that. The sense that there's something to look forward to in a day, something that's going to be beautiful.

I don't know what makes it like that, but I'm going to find out so I can keep it around.

This weekend was quite adventurous, because I met Greg's family, he met mine, and then the next day they both met each other. It beats me how he gets me to put myself in such awkward, vulnerable places. Maybe part of my happiness today is just the fact that I met them and. . . he's still dating me! So I guess his family couldn't have hated me too much? I hope?

And now for a joke, brought to you by Susan Getty:

Once upon a time there were three birds: a momma bird, a daddy bird, and a baby bird. It came time for them to migrate, and the daddy bird says: "My instincts tell me to go that way!" and he points to the right. The mommy bird says: "my instincts tell me to go that way!" and she points to the left. The baby bird says: "My end stinks too, but I still don't know which way to go."

P.S. I got a lot done today - I succeeded in opening my eyes. Probably that does not mean much to you, but I have been sleeping in my creative part since I got home. And now? Well. Now I'm awake, at least a little.

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