Friday, November 03, 2006

"what can the guillotine do for you?"

Hi my loves.

It's the weekend, which pleases me immensely. Also something that pleases me immensely: I turned in the two projects-of-ultimate-death-and-hatingness this week. They weren't really huge projects, but they were definitely my least favorite projects thus far in the semester. And I got assigned two projects I'm really excited about in their place. One, for Digital Studio, is a personal book. I get to write the text, make the images, choose the topic, everything. And I already have an idea/text/paper for it. For Photography II, I get to focus just on my end-of-semester project this week, and then next week I'm going to learn how to make cyanotypes and enlarge negatives digitally. Which sounds freaking amaaaazing. Excellent good.

Oh, and did I say? I got accepted to Italy. Woot. So now forms is coming out my ears. But I'm going to Italy, which is the important part.

My resolution? Not to slack off this weekend, not in the slightest. Because if I do, I'm absolutely screwed. This year is hard, because there are no classes I can slack off in. I'm taking 5 major courses. All of them are super important. All of them have huge end-of-semester projects. All of these huge end-of-semester projects have components due next week. So pretty much I need to never slack off again ever and maybe not even sleep. But I like sleep, so I'm going to resolve to get some anyway. Sound good? Sounds good to me.

The end of the semester is coming up awful fast. Did you notice? It's really close to Thanksgiving. And after Thanksgiving, the semester is practically over. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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