Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"these turdy-facy-nasty-paty-lousy-fartical rogues"

That's my favorite line from Volpone, by Ben Jonson. Jonson, let me say, is an irritating playwright. He's long-winded, pedantic, and bitter that no one likes his plays. He spends the prologue and the epilogue talking about how people talk bad about his plays, but this is why we should like them... not, in my opinion, a very dignified thing to do. Let the play speak for itself. It's not important if some idiot accused you of taking too long to write plays, and it's not important that you miraculously penned this one in three weeks.

I had something to say, but I forget what. I managed to write my paper for today, and I think it's got the seeds of goodness in it, if I can just think of a way to wrap it up. It also needs to be a bit longer, let's be honest. It just barely makes the minimum requirement, and that's only because my modeling statement is taking up space at the top. So. We'll see. Hopefully Helen Walker will like this one.

Is anyone else panicking about grades? My end-of-semester projects are worth ridiculously much of my grade, and I'm struggling with just the week-to-week stuff, let alone spending the time that they need. Digital Studio will probably be an A-, and Advanced Writing the same. I feel like Photo II will be a C, which makes me sad, but what can you do? I already spend almost 20 hours a week in the darkroom, and I can't spare any more time than that. Med. Ren. Lit I'll be lucky to get an A-, and Composition Theory and Pedagogy's probably an A-.

Anyway. Grades are boring and sucky, and probably you don't care what I think mine will be. So. I'm gonna revise my essay before our group meeting today.


Captain Shar said...

That line is almost Python quality.

I think we all care about grades; we have to. I haven't the slightest idea what I'm getting in my producing class or my directing class. I have a good feeling about my writing class, but all those actually-making-things classes tend to be harrowing that way.

Andrew said...

Wow, my new assignment is about Ben Jonson! We're like, twins! Or, like, Engelish Majorre Twines!