Thursday, March 02, 2006

woohoo! let's party!

We finished layout today at 12:30! It's a new record! And on top of an extra hour's sleep, I don't have to go to chapel tomorrow morning. Also, I've read two pleasure books in the past two days. It's been great. And on top of that, spring break officially starts in only nine days. And I get to see my mommy even before that. And also, I love cookies.

It's sort of funny that I'm so excited we got done with layout early that I'm hyper and probably won't be able to sleep.

Katie, my editor, says that she keeps hearing about last semester, and how Meghan and Jackie were there every Wednesday night until 3 a.m. I didn't think we were particularly efficient, but now I think we must be. Of course, Jackie and Meghan never cut off the ends of any articles....

"and one slow, swan-walking figure."
- Me.

Ah, Manet, thank you for showing us the way to quote our own artwork, and not just that of antiquity.


Liz said...


Anonymous said...

yea i quoted myself in a research paper last year for english.
my teacher thought that was pretty interesting...

Mackenzie said...

You should tell her that you're just following a long historical tradition which was prevalent in both art and literature, and which has been given new validity in the current context of postmodernity.

Anonymous said...

yeah...that would probably involve too many large words that i dont have adequate definitions for in one sentence.

anyway it was a mister beechy, not a she. also, he just thought it was funny, as it had no real bearing on the rest of the paper.