Sunday, March 05, 2006

and so goes the story

Well! I have now officially attended my first bridal shower. And also my first lingerie party. Pret-ty funny. = ) Nah, it was fun. I enjoyed it. Lots and lots of chinese food and snacks, and games, and stories, and laughing.

I've also attended my first rave, although I'm not sure it actually counts as a rave if there was no drug use involved. I'm told there were a couple people running around in their bras though, at one point (and by people I mean girls). Dumb hippies.

I counted the rave as practice being comfortable in my own skin, I guess. I mean, if you can't learn to dance idiotically in college, when can you? And also I took a lot of motion photos there, despite a malfunctioning camera, and a few of them are even decent looking, so that's totally exciting.

And I spent about five hours in the studio tonight and five hours in the darkroom.... yeah, it's been a long day. Brain is not functioning so well. So I'm going to go to sleep.

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