Thursday, March 23, 2006

...and, vaster, some realms i owned, two rivers....

Well, layout got done at about 12:30 last night, so that was totally amazing and much sooner than I thought it would be. Thank heaven. So I actually got about 5 or 5 1/2 hours of sleep last night. Normally that little sleep would result in me falling asleep in bioethics, but I was so nervous about sophomore review that I stayed awake the whole time (and even participated!). Kudos to Sharon for relating natural selection to the idea of self-diagnosing and self-prescribing healthcare.

Also kudos to everyone I've been dumping on about how nervous I was about sophomore review, and about photo class yesterday. Kudos to you!

Sophomore review actually went really well, I think. I'm not confident that I really covered all the relevant information about each project, but I tried. And everyone seemed really affirming about trying to combine art and english more. And they were super nice. Even Ted Prescott, who I didn't know at all (he actually had some of the most intelligent questions about the english major, which would make sense, because he also writes books and things). People also seemed interested in my career goals, which was kind of cool too. I have to admit, I got a little bit emotional when I started talking about that photograph again (I brought it in because it's one of the few pieces I've made that really had meaning beyond the aesthetics), but they were also super nice about that.

So I'm still kind of anxious about the written comments I'll get back, but I feel much much better, and I do feel that it went well. I now feel really super relaxed. Almost langourous ("A dreamy, lazy mood or quality," according to

Also, in the process of getting my pieces ready for sophomore review, I realized how many of my favorite pieces involved photography or manipulation of photographs in some way. So that's sort of made me think I should head toward photography for my senior show. And it fits with my skills, I think: average rendering, but good design. I think that's pretty much what everyone agreed on, is that I was good at design and have made lots of improvement since I came. And that I should definitely keep on trying to integrate english and art.

I think I've now said that three times. So, dear peoples, farewell. I'm off to complete my assignment for poetry class in an hour. = )


Liz said...

YAY!!! Yay sophomore review! I'm so glad it went well and they were nice and you're good at design and you're going to integrate your majors and it's all so happy!!! WOOHOO!!!

Mackenzie said...

Liz, I love you. = D

brenderlin said...

well, I don't think I can use nearly as many exclamation points as liz, but congratulations! Also, you should show us that photo sometime (maybe at Pro Tempore), I'd sure like to see it...

Captain Shar said...
