Monday, October 31, 2005

So I feel like it's getting harder and harder for me to function in the real world. I remembered, at 2:45 today, that I was supposed to take my philosophy make-up exam sometime between 11 and 3. Luckily he was really nice and let me take it anyway.... And then I forgot about going to layout (and it was pizza night too!) and went to an art league halloween party instead, dressed up as a tree. Oh, and I completely forgot when student advising night was and totally freaked out, because what if that was today and then I couldn't register? Horrible feeling. Ironically enough, as it gets harder and harder to actually function, I care less and less about not functioning. I'm just sort of like, 'Oh well.' Or maybe it's not that I don't care, it's just that I'm so snowed under with work and worry that I don't feel anything anymore, except a sort of giddy desire to sleep away the rest of my life.

I just can't forget to show up to work again, or I think I might actually get fired. Heaven help me when I have to get a real job.

Tomorrow will be the start of the twelfth month of my blog. Fear my wordliness. I feel sort of like I should have a birthday party for it. But what would I do? "Oh yes, let's make another demented birthday cake for my blog." The only thing weirder would be having a festival to celebrate the gold rush taking place somewhere else. Crazy Albertans.

I decided sometime yesterday that I really wanted to dress up as Crystal Downing for halloween (I mean heck, she's the scariest person I know), but that didn't quite work out. I thought about trying to get a stalkerlink picture of her blown up so I could make it into a mask for tonight's art league party, but there were difficulties, and I didn't think art majors would know who she was anyway. But next year, look out.

Speaking of Crystal Downing, I got my paper back today. She said really really complimentary things in the paper about sophisticated engagement and "sometimes brilliant insight" and stuff, and then handed down an 88.... So ironic. So so ironic. Anyway, she definitely thinks I'm in the right major, so that's good. I sort of wish I could get that kind of validation from an art professor. Good thing about that paper is that the revision is worth twice as much as the actual paper, so I could definitely end up with a decent grade, although I am over the cut-off line where she requires a revision. I just want more than a B+ you know? I need all the help I can get when it comes to bouying up my art grades.

Speaking of which, I am totally freaking out when it comes to this next project. So few rules, and historically I just do badly without rules. I've got myself psyched out enough that I'm afraid to start. And if I don't start, I definitely won't do well. So yes, prayers would be appreciated....

Happy hallowe'en to all I suppose, although I don't usually celebrate that.


jemmo said...

Not all the Albertans are crazy. They're mostly just really grumpy. The Edmuntonians, though, they're the crazy ones. Never can tell with those Edmuntonians. I mean, they named their hockey team the OILERS! They obviously have issues. Although, having to live in a province of universally grumpy people (and these are people - I use the term advisedly - who take grumpiness to a new dimension) might make me a bit crazy, too, eh?

Mackenzie said...

Ah, the Edmuntonians. Haha. That sounds like a TOTALLY messed up college adjectival name or something. I never thought about it - why DID they name their hockey team the oilers? Was there a rationale?

It's always advisable to use the word "people" advisadly. I mean, we wouldn't want any of those ALIENS getting confused.