Saturday, October 29, 2005

Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Noodle Soup for the Upset Mind. Ever wonder why they don't title a book that way? They have Chicken Noodle Soup for the Mothers, Children, Couples, Soccer players, Artists, Musicians, and Waste Management Technicians of this world, so why not Chicken Noodle Soup for the Disturbed Mind, or for the Psychotic Soul, or even just the Upset Mind? Chicken noodle soup stays well on upset stomachs, I mean, isn't that why it was invented? So why not Chicken Noodle Soup for the Upset Mind - something bland and distracting that would sooth the restless beast.

So I had a sort of bad last couple of days. Then I had a couple of really good moments, and then some really bad moments, and then some more really good moments. And while the good moments are good, I feel like all of life is good. And when the bad moments are bad, I feel like life is crashing around my ears - or possibly trying to chop down the tree I'm in, while singing "Fifteen birds in an evergreen tree" (or whatever it is that the ogres sang while Bilbo, Gandalf, and the dwarves were up those trees. I'm trying to draw a parallel between life and an ogre here. Pretend that it worked.). But I suppose that's nothing new. Except that sometimes it's easier to see that bad moments don't last forever. Of course, it's also easier to see that the good moments won't last forever, but if you're balanced enough to realize that, then you're balanced enough to enjoy them while they do last.

In conclusion:

1) Edmonton holds a yearly festival to celebrate the gold rush taking place somewhere else. (Courtesy of Jenn, and roundaboutly Jill and the Internationals that happened to be held at Calgary)

and 2) "Chin up. I spend most of my days in a basement wondering if anyone will ever even see what I'm painting." - Daniel Finch

Oh, and the project that resulted in my damaged finger? Good grade. Heck yes.

1 comment:

ReformationGirl said...

good job with the good grade on the project that damaged your finger~! Whoo hoo!!!!

And I agree with you about the chicken noodle soup thing :-)