Friday, October 21, 2005

I will, I swear, write soon about my trip to Fallingwater. I will write about being on campus over break, and about how my room exploded. I will write about canvases, and movies, and why the heck I have to get up at 5:45 tomorrow morning. I will write about all the ingenius ways there are to make yourself get out of bed when face it - you really don't want to. But, alas, all of that must wait until later. Because now, well, absolutely nothing calls me - it calls me with desperation that makes me want to go and do absolutely nothing.


Anonymous said...

Friday evenings were made for doing nothing. Or perhaps you were predestined to do nothing tonight. Calvinism certainly has some positives.


ReformationGirl said...

Hey Mackenzie,

I do want to hear about your trip to Fallingwater! Your mom told me a little bit about it at quiz practice on Friday. She was really impressed that you went by yourself and everything! Good job! Can't wait to hear about it