Sunday, November 18, 2007

"basically it's none of our business how somebody manages to grow, if only he does grow, if only we're on the trail of the law of our own growth."

-- Rilke

I like that quote of Rilke's so much.

I don't like this faith integration paper quite as much. It's difficult. So much of what I want to talk about is felt and not known, and so I'm having to search for some approximation of poetic language and form that will tell more than academic language, but will still be more accessible to my intended audience than my poetry would be.

I don't think Professor Prescott will like my paper much. I also think that this is an important paper for me to write, and I don't much care whether he likes it or not, because of what motivates Rilke's quote above.

Just two more days of school, and then it's Thanksgiving break, and then it's time to relax a little. Only if this paper gets under my skin I might be revising it all break instead. It might be worth it. It makes me laugh, though, to think that all, or almost all, my sources will be literary, and not visually artistic. And not academic in the least.

Mmmmm. . . . yes, basically, I wanted to share the Rilke quote. And then I think I'm done. Have a good break, if I don't talk to you before then!

1 comment:

Captain Shar said...

Happy Thanksgiving and break to you too.