Tuesday, August 22, 2006

is the mole the explicator of the lawn?

I was reading about Eleanor Wilner today (the above quote is from her poem "The Interview") and she sounds really interesting. Just as a side note.

My two favorite titles ever? I think they'd boil down to "What Narcissism Means to Me" and "Invincible Obsessed Fighter". The first is my favorite because it's some crazy intellectual wordplay (even though I have no idea what the actual book is about), and the second is my favorite because it's so very, very terrible in both title and premise. "Invincible Obsessed Fighter" is a kung-fu movie set in China. The protagonist? According to the back of the movie, he's named Chuck. Yes, he's named Chuck, even though the movie is set in China. The protagonist's father? He's called Fat Ho. Not even kidding. I find myself hoping that it's some kind of comedy, and maybe IMDB just accidentally listed its genre as action/drama. In any case, I might rent it. Just for the sheer, hysterical pleasure of saying I've seen a movie called "Invincible Obsessed Fighter."

Is it a measure of my dorkiness that I consistently have at least four tabs open at once when I'm on the internet? And when I'm blogging, the number jumps closer to eight. I knew you'd all be wildly interested in this new and brilliant observation.

Am I still looking forward to school? Oh, sure. About as much as I want to pack all of my crap into a tiny green car for the fourth time.

Who else is totally in love with the singing Snickers commercial? It's pretty much the most amazing thing ever. Dad's reaction? "He's playing a left-handed guitar right-handed." I was reminded of it by today's Able and Baker. Rock on regional nougat sculpting contests.

I think this quote deserves inclusion in today's blog post: "Luke! I am the excrutiating smell in your life!"

Also, I'm done upholstering!!!!!!!!!! Hands are kind of sore... but the chair looks a full 85% better. Someday I'll post the before and after pictures. But today, I deem this post to have gone on fully long enough (and maybe too long).

1 comment:

Captain Shar said...

Even if the stuff rides up in the same little green car, it'll have a much cooler place to live once it gets there.