Monday, October 01, 2007

"don't take it too bad, it's nothing you did--"

People have been commenting on my work blog lately. It kind of makes me nervous. Now I feel like I have to live up to the good posts. My hope, however, is that I will post enough that the bad posts will be evened out by the mediocre ones, and maybe the alright and excellent ones will erase the mediocre and bad ones. Do you think? Maybe?

Can I vent for a moment? Sometimes professors can be extremely inconsiderate. My art seminar professor assigned us reading over the weekend - OK, no problem. I expect to do reading for classes, much less my senior seminar class. So I did the reading. Today I get an e-mail from him giving us discussion questions prepare from the reading and giving us another assignment. Excuse me?

I'm carrying eighteen credits, I'm working two jobs, and I've been doing a darn good job of it thus far. But you know, getting all my work done (yes, I've even been doing all the reading so far. I've done every bit of work assigned in every single one of my classes) and keeping up with two jobs -- oh yeah, and maintaining some kind of social life AND getting enough sleep -- without going insane requires good time management and planning ahead. That means that when professors throw random assignments at me, my carefully-constructed plan of action is totally screwed up.

I simply don't have time to humor professors who don't plan out their classes in advance. If they expect us to be professional and do our work before the appointed class period, I expect THEM to be professional and give us a reasonable period in which to complete the work.

If that sounds bitter, vindictive, and extremely angry, that's because it is. I'm pissed off and only supreme self control is preventing me from dropping a few swear words.

In other, lighter, funner news, Elena's new boyfriend is currently setting his hand on fire in our kitchen.

That's an exaggeration. He is currently setting the air inside his hand on fire. Don't ask me how it works. It's freaky and strange. But also kind of hysterical.

1 comment:

Mrs. Micah said...

Have you ever seen someone make fire in a soda can? I don't remember how it works, but it's cool.

Your professor loses about 20 points. There should be a rule about not assigning extra homework unless you assigned NO homework.

P.S. Thanks for the blog compliments. :-) I ran a search for blogger and skins and found my shiny background. The disadvanatage is that I had to reenter all my sidebar info, so save yours beforehand if you try it.