Monday, December 11, 2006

Well. Finals week is here. No more procrastinating, denying, or wigging out will prevent it. It's one last long dive and then - cement? water? a kiddie pool?

I'm feeling pretty good about my writing skills at present. I got my research paper back for Med. Ren. Lit. It was only a 90, but still. You know? If I'd had a clearer, stronger thesis and a stronger conclusion I could have had a real A, but I think that's kind of the story of my life. I have a strong indtroduction, then realize I don't know where to go. But once I get there, my life is cake. Or something. Anyway, I know my idiosyncrasies as a writer: crazy long, convoluted, involved syntax, awful conclusions, bad intros, and laughable source-integration. And for this paper, I integrated my sources well, I wrote a good intro apart from the lack of thesis, and my conclusion wasn't awful - just "adequate." So... improvement? Maybe?

I'm getting super excited for when everyone comes down to visit. I'd say "visit me" except it's not just me, they're just staying at my house. But anyway, it will be good. Also, Jenn is coming out at party time too! Wooh! Party to the nth degree! = D


Captain Shar said...

All your base are belong to you!

Good job, Kenzie!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I would be very happy with a 90 on a Med Ren paper! And if I show YOUR conclusions some of the comments my conclusions garnered from my tutor... yours will feel a LOT better. :)

Yay you! Yay seeing you this weekend! Yay party to the nth degree!