Tuesday, December 19, 2006

it's just what happens when you let the time span catch you napping

Hey guess what! They gave me my grades back! Wooh! And actually, they are not too bad of grades. I mean, it would be best if I got all A's and had a 4.0. but barring that, I'm not on scholarship-probation, and that's what (I tell myself) is most important right now. Not perfection, just keeping the scholarship as long as I can. It's kind of weird... usually I get A- or A's in my English/academic classes, and B's/B+'s in my art classes... this semester my one B+ was in Med-Ren Lit. Yeah, that's right, in an English class. Weird. And then I got good-er grades in my art classes (even in Photo II of doom). Maybe I shouldn't give up on art grad school yet?

Also, my cat stabbed me. He was in some kind of fight and got his ear tore up, and when I brought him in to get it swabbed with antibiotic cream, he stabbed me in the side with his claws. Rarr. And then I bled.

And I had a great time over the weekend with everyone who came out to visit... It was like the best kind of family reunion, where nobody is fighting and we all play games together. And sleep. And eat. And take walks. I like how Sharon summed up my house: "it's cute and makes weird noises at night." Yeah, yeah, it pretty much does. I think I'm going to miss it (and of course the people living therein). And getting to read Liz's book was great, and hear about abroad (even though hearing about Oxford made me glad I prioritized going to Italy over going to Oxford), and frankly just hearing everyone's voices all at once made me all happy inside.


Anonymous said...

Yay Kenzie!!! Good job not being on scholarship probation. :-p And congrats on doing well in art. :-) :-) So that means you did ok in Advanced Writing and Comp theory?

I got my grades back too and they bump me up to summa. Finally! *dances*

Captain Shar said...

Happy - happy - happy.