Saturday, January 10, 2009

is it because of cold feet that the bride and groom aren't supposed to see each other before the ceremony?

Why did the caterer automatically assume that we would like our punch to match our color scheme? Is it really something people ask about on a regular basis?
Why does the garter toss traditionally involve whoever catches it putting it back on whoever caught the bouquet? And did you know the higher he puts it the longer their marriage is supposed to be? How many other people run for the bathroom when it comes time for the bouquet toss? How does "engaged" still count as single for these events? Why is the cake such a big deal? I have never even liked cake that much. And from watching the food network, it looks like most wedding cakes sit around for three days before they even get to the wedding.

While I'm at this wedding thing, I wish somebody would answer all MY questions about the ridiculous particulars involved.

Oh, also, I wish I had eloped. At one point, Greg suggested a very quiet ceremony with just us and our immediate family members, then a reception with everyone who wanted to come. I kind of wish I'd taken him up on that idea because the closer it gets to time the more nervous I get about being one of the two centers of attention for such a meaningful moment. And I'm worried that an event with so many people at it can't possibly be the intimate moment it should be, even though I know all those people and like them.

Oh, and also, I'm worried that the week before the wedding I will be a bear, a crab, a cranky old lady who will hit you with her cane. And I really should behave well since it's my wedding. But I just want someone else to take care of it for me so I can drink tea and chat with my friends and family and go on dates with Greg and be in my new apartment. And sleep. A LOT. (although I have slept 7 hours for two nights in a row, so I think I've kicked the insomnia thing for a while)

The new apartment is lovely, by the way. I'm so impressed with it I could burst. I can't believe they let us sign a lease and put stuff in there -- we're really old enough for that? Are you sure? They must be joking. Are you serious that we could start having babies in a week if we wanted? Whaaaaaaat?

Anyway. That's my update. I'm thinking that brides and their blogs shouldn't be allowed to see each other for at least a week before the wedding. =)

1 comment:

Lucy said...

I don't know the answer to the titular question... but as a Happy Thought to sustain you through the homestretch of organization, one of my favorite moments from Little Women remains the part where Meg (in her bridal gown) hands John a hammer as he's tacking up greenery over a door for their wedding. If I remember correctly, he comes down from the ladder and kisses her. :) And then they live happily ever after--so there, silly superstitions.