Sunday, March 08, 2009

send your pumpkin recipes express

Well, my lovelies, I haz a job. I actually haz 2 jobs. One is a job on Saturdays where I am a waitress. That one is kind of blah. The other job is the one where I work for a marketing company and man the phones, proofread stuff, and make other stuff in Photoshop. That one has the potential to be pretty sweet. At the moment, though, it is only 25 hours a week (moving to 29 next week). So I can't quite tell the waitressing place that I'm quitting. But soon, perhaps. This working-six-days-a-week thing is tiring, even when it still only amounts to 40 hours a week.

Also, my Messiah e-mail address will no longer be valid as of tomorrow -- so send your e-mails to my new address! Namely one kenzie.j.m at Of course, now I realize that it should really be kenzie.j.s, but changing it now would be silly and overly complicated.

Today I spent like two hours playing Zelda and didn't even feel guilty. What is this world coming to? Might I actually achieve balance in my life for at least a few short months?

Nah, that would be crazy talk.

Are you craving fresh vegetables yet? Tomatoes, sweet peas, lettuce, cucumber, zucchini. . . . ooh, and mint! I can't wait to make fresh mint tea or mint lemonade. mmmm. . . .

Once upon a time I read a book about how craving liver meant you were deficient in vitamins. Craving all these vegetables makes me wonder if I should be taking a vitamin supplement.

Oh, and do you want to hear a sad story? It is almost time for new vegetables, and we haven't even used up all the pumpkin we prepared and froze last fall! Lesson 1: 5 neck pumpkins is too much pumpkin for two people.

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