Monday, October 02, 2006

on the brink of this destruction, on the eve of bittersweet


Yes, it's me again. I hope you enjoyed the poem. If you didn't read it, you should. It's one that poem-experts and peom-haters alike can appreciate.

I feel like I'm having kind of a vocational crisis. That is, I'm firmly convinced that I can't do anything I want to do with my life. I can't be an artist, I can't be a poet, I can't be a writer, or a teacher, because I simply lack all the skill sets and talents needed for any of the above mentioned careers. I think I might be good at being a nun, though, except that I'd work on my book instead of praying, probably.

Has anybody ever heard of Duane Michals before? He'd probably offend most of you, but he makes the craziest sequences... and I'm kind of jealous that he combined words and photographs before I got around to it. And that he smashes genre and documentary considerations with ease on his way to self-expression. But I think I might like him a lot in spite of my jealousy.

Also? Today is Jenn's birthday! Happy birthday Jenn of the twenty years old! (Haha, now you're old, too!) And may it be filled with twenty times more fun and twenty times less homework than the year before. = )

1 comment:

Captain Shar said...

Nunnery can be freaky. Ever read Agnes of God?