Monday, July 24, 2006

said the wren to the kitty-cat bird

Ten points to anyone who can identify who said that! And ten more if you can tell me where!

The biography channel has been having a lot of mysteries on lately. And I really really love it. It's fantastic. Murder She Wrote, Sherlock Holmes, Poirot, Marple, even some silly modern ones that I'd never heard of before. Sometime soon they're showing a bunch of Nero Wolfe, and that could be kind of cool, because I've never actually read any Nero Wolfe, and maybe I'll like him.

So, all that goes to say, I was watching a Sherlock Holmes today: "The Final Problem." (I'd warn you about spoilers, but I'm not sure this is a spoiler, for reasons that might spoil it if I said them and you really hadn't read the ending of this episode. Did that make sense? Anyway, if you haven't read any Sherlock Holmes yet, or don't want to know the ending of this episode until you read it yourself, skip this next paragraph.)

I really admire that he (Arthur Conan Doyle) killed off Sherlock Holmes. And I'm sad that people made him bring Holmes back. Because it really was the only inevitable conclusion to Holme's drug addiction, manic-depressive nature, and fierce solitude. And Moriarty and Holmes were so evenly matched that it's perfect that they kill each other. Maybe Moriarty would have been able to go on if he had killed his nemesis, but Holmes really would suffer for not having an intellectual equal. Killing Holmes was the best possible decision. The perfect example of keeping your authorial integrity. Just because everyone will be outraged and demand that you bring your character back doesn't mean that it wasn't right to kill him off. Thoughts, anybody else?

I was also thinking how much I love that actor who plays Holmes. I don't know his name, but I really love him. He has these facial tics that are just fantastic. And he brings out the mean edge that Holmes has in the stories, but I always sort of read him softer, because I wanted him to be nicer than he let on. But that mean edge is also kind of endearing, because everyone sympathizes with the lone wolf figure. Right? Anyway, everyone I know seems to.

In conclusion, Me Like Holmes. The End.

P. S. I've been blogging for 21 months now. If my blog were a child, it would totally be walking by now. Maybe even talking? (See how intelligent my blog is? It's been talking since day 1!)


Captain Shar said...

Yeah. I really really liked the end of the supposed to be last Sherlock Holmes.

Mackenzie said...

Yeah! Theodore Roethke! I did my second poetry paper ever on him... I have a soft spot. = )