Wednesday, July 19, 2006

math-metal is delicious!

I finally caught up on blogs today, and one of my friends, Abbi, had a list of 75 "you might be homeschooled if" questions up. It maked me chuckle a lot nostalgically. Because I remember all that! I guess college makes me feel more average, what with all the homework, and high school seems a long way away. It's nice that some things don't change though: college gives you the whole syllabus, so you can still work ahead if you feel like it. And snow days? Not really days off. Minor holidays? Spent working. Going to school in pajamas? Some people do it still. Anyway.

Persephone is fixed! 'Tis marvelous!

I feel like I need to atone for using the word "tis" by saying something super hip and cool, but nothing comes to mind.

Now I need to atone for using the word "hip".

Now I'm signing off.

The terminally out-of-style,


brenderlin said...

I think I really need to see that list. And do not feel any condemnation for the use of the word "tis". You should use it as often as possible.

For "Hip", however, you have my permission to feel slightly more condemned.

Mackenzie said...

Her blog is, so you can go check it out.

I feel like it's odd to say, "I feel mildly condemned." = )

Anonymous said...

thats ok i say wierd stuff like that all the time. when ppl give me odd looks, i just say "yea, you wish you even knew what i meant there dont you??? huh???"

but maybe thats a little over the top. oh, and "the terminally out of style" sounds like it could be a sweet screenname or band like "deadflannel" or "buriedknickers"

Captain Shar said...

If you're going to use 'tis, would you give it its punctuation, please? Me likes the word meself.

Mackenzie said...

There's seriously a band named buriedknickers?!?!? I LOVE IT!!!!! Muahaha! I am going to takes over the world with my buriedknickers!