Tuesday, June 06, 2006

the horsemen are sleeping, / the warriors underground; what was is no more

Today the dragon lady found a body. I'm as surprised as you are. But it's going to be a cool scene. Very cinematic. = ) I better stop talking before I give away the whole plot (that is, the only plot that I know so far). I just get really excited when I sit down to write and things actually happen.

Also, I finished Beowulf today. The second time I've read it. And I found myself loving it. They (the norse heroes) hold things so loosely. There is no grasping onto. They give away gold like water, view death nonchalantly (although they view it as oblivion and not the gate to another life), and seek only glory, making formal boasts and treating these boasts, their word, as worth more than their lives. And when Beowulf goes "under the crag / no coward's path," although "it was no easy thing / to have to give ground like that and go / unwillingly to inhabit another home / in a place beyond; so every man must yield / the leasehold of his days" I got a little choked up.

Alright, loves. Did I tell you Forte caught a mouse yesterday? He came into our living room, proud as punch, with a mouse in his mouth. So apparently we have mice in the house, but we also apparently have good mousers in the family.

P. S. This comic is hysterical.


Liz said...

That is so wicked cool about the dragon lady. So super exciting! It sounds like your writing summer is going excellently well. :^)

Captain Shar said...

Please tell me you love Wiglaf!

Check your e-mail for my new blog location.