Thursday, December 21, 2006

harry potter and the half-baked book

I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. And I am profoundly dissatisfied.
A) It was so very long.
B) There was so very much irrelevant relationship stuff in it.
C) (And here come the spoilers) killing Dumbledore is totally a horrible ending. It should have come earlier in the book, and then he should have maybe found one of the horcruxes to prove his resolution and character change.
D) Harry Potter's education is totally unsatisfactory. Dumbledore should have taken more care to teach him the right Occlumency this time around, and done more than just show him old memories. The old memories were important, I'm not denying that, but seriously now. Harry Potter is so very ill-equipped to do what needs to be done. Oh, and
E) Dumbledore freezing Harry Potter? Totally a deus ex machina. Or at least improbable. She just felt like she needed to kill Dumbledore off somehow, and making him make such an egregious error was one way of doing that.
F) Have I mentioned how very ill-prepared Harry Potter is? As a younger student, he was so very ahead of his year in all the practical things. As an older student, he seems witless.
G) Have I mentioned how very irritating her lack of focus is? So what if Ginny and Harry start dating for three weeks (in a totally uncharacteristic way?)? And then have a totally out-of-character wrong-attitude-for-their-age breakup?
Also, H) We're totally lacking a motive for Snape to kill Dumbledore. I mean, sure, he took the unbreakable vow, whatever, yadda yadda yadda. But why take the vow? And why the heck did Dumbledore believe Snape for so long? 'Cause let's see, none of those things were explained in a believable way. I think she just changed her mind partway through the series about what side Snape was really on. And you know,
I) it makes me really sick that Harry Potter is always right. So ill-prepared, but always right. Everyone he hates turns out to be evil. Which is so childish.
J) the title of the book? The book isn't really about that. This relates to my irritation over her lack of focus. Too many things all at once, and still the book was too long. She needed to eliminate something.... or just break this book into two. I'm sure her publishers wouldn't have minded. Although, to be honest, probably I'd be down on her too if she extended the series. I'd think she was only trying to make more money or something. So, while I totally don't like the lack of focus, I guess I sort of respect the fact that she tried to fit everything in.
K) Also, and here's just my opinion, I just don't think she's built the characters to handle the kind of plot she wants from them. I feel like she's really trying to develop them, especially with this book, but dude, she's tried having them date people and killing off other characters in order to try and develop Harry, Ron, and Hermoine's characters further. And you know, she's tried this two books in a row. And I believe in them even less now. I feel like that's gotta say something.

Ok. Long post. Long rant. And pretty much I've never written a book, so I shouldn't complain, probably. I think Andrew liked the book? Maybe? So that could be a point in its favor? I think I'm just uber picky, and also minorly cranky. Today, though, was Christmas for us and it was a very good Christmas, so I shouldn't be cranky. I napped and read and ate basically all day. And tomorrow we're leaving for Indiana.... Oh wait, I remember why I'm cranky. I still have to pack.


Andrew said...


I still think Snape is a good guy. In fact, I'm almost sure of it. And I'm dead serious about this.

Mackenzie said...

I was thinking about that last night. I suppose he still could be... but I feel like then whatever his reason for taking the vow and killing dumbledore would be insufficient. I mean, seriously. I still think the whole killing Dumbledore (I almost spelled dilling dumbledore) thing is unnecessary. Making him get all hurt and old could have saved the same purpose in terms of launching Harry without protection into the search for the horcruxes.

Anonymous said...

I'll find you some whorecruxes.

I should say "Hey thanks for spoiling the plot, Kenzie." But that's ok, I have no real plans to read Potter. Though actually, I'm reading Chamber of Secrets right now in Spanish. Very very slowly. It's much more exciting this way. ;) And I'm getting practice. so yay!

Have fun on holiday!

Andrew said...

I'm not even sure that Big D is dead. Freezing little H to the Pizzle instead of defending the both of them makes me think that he had a plan in mind, probably involving Snape running in and "killing" him. It was a big risk, sure, but I think it might have worked out. His familiar is a pheonix, after all. The whole incident may have been calculated to get Snape totally into an undisputed position of trust with Lord Vor(idan?).

'Course, that said, he could well be well and truly dead.

Whatever happened, it could still be good, or it could still be kind of disappointing. The last book had better tell me what the heck is going on.

ReformationGirl said...

Oh, Mackenzie! There you go being all English-majory again :)

These are just children's books, and probably not going to be considered classic British fiction in a couple of years. Thus, I think they should be cut a little more slack. It's just a good story! AND we haven't read the last book either, which should tie up all loose ends.... Now of course if it doesnt, THEN we can gripe- But if there weren't loose ends at the end of the 6th- why would we read the 7th? Maybe she's getting our goat on purpose to read the next book- And thats good writing.

I DO agree with you about Harry's inexperience and Dumbledore dying, and Snape and all that- however, that just makes me that much more interested to read the 7th. Like all good fiction though- it just comes down to personal preference :)

You make me want to read it again!! :)

Hey- the book clubs next discussion is on Vanity Fair by William Thackery. Have you read it? Its very long if you haven't read it- but you most certainly could by Feb 8 if you wanted to. Are you still going to be in town then?

Mackenzie said...

If Dumbledore turns out to be NOT dead, I'm gonna do a little flipping out and wanting those seven hours of my life back (the seven hours it took me to read the Half-Blood Prince, that is).

Also, yes, maybe the 7th book will make me like the series again. But I have to say, she's got a long way to go on the way to wrapping things up. I'd have thought she should take a bigger step in the 6th book, seeing as it's so huge and all... but whatever. I should be patient? Maybe?

I will still be in town on February 8, so it could be really fun to come to the book discussion. Not sure that I'm all that interested in readingn Vanity Fair, at least considering the cliffsnotes introduction - that names and plotlines aren't always consistent because of its originally published serial nature, and also that there are a heck of a lot of digressions. But it IS classic, right? So maybe... do you like it so far?

ReformationGirl said...

Hey Mackenzie-

Sorry its taken me so long to get back to you. We had alot of family in town and I think we are now just getting back to normal!

Vanity Fair is pretty good so far, although you'd have to be extremely motivated to read it. Its very long (800 pgs) and there are alot of plot digressions. I like it. In some ways its alot like Gone with the Wind-only in an older time setting. You are welcome to come to the discussion if you want- since it is a classic it should be interesting. :)