Sunday, January 01, 2006

well, then.

Things are winding down here. Most of the family left today, and inevitably my mind is being drawn toward school. J-term. I thought I was excited about my creative writing class, but it turns out I just dread going back to homework and stress. Of course, now that there's no family or McWilkies around, I might've got bored. Or maybe I'd have made progress with my stories. As Aslan says, "Child, you are never told what would have been."

Actually, though, he does at one point tell someone what would have been. In the Magician's Nephew he tells Diggory what would have happened had he stolen an apple for his mother. So take that, Aslan. Even your author didn't have everything nailed down all the time. Probably mean of me to be encouraged by another author's inconsistency, but I only take a very little bit of encouragement.

I think Persephone is really and truly fixed, although if she breaks sometime soon, I never said that. You heard nothing.

"If you have any poo, fling it now."

All the diamonds in this world
That mean anything to me
Are conjured up by wind and sunlight
Sparkling on the sea

I ran aground in a harbour town
Lost the taste for being free
Thank God He sent some gull-chased ship
To carry me to sea

Two thousand years and half a world away
Dying trees still grow greener when you pray

Silver scales flash bright and fade
In reeds along the shore
Like a pearl in sea of liquid jade
His ship comes shining
Like a crystal swan in a sky of suns
His ship comes shining.

- Bruce Cockburn


jemmo said...

"Good heavens. People."

brenderlin said...

Sheesh, has this turned into the "Bash C.S. Lewis blog?" I mean, insulting his chauvinism is one thing, but his internal consistency? Come on, can't we just read the books, and leave the consistency questions to the fanboys? please?

Andrew said...

Yes! We must find the great writers of our age and look upon their work as though it just came out of our silly little creative writing class. Then we'll see how "great" it is...


Mackenzie said...

Frankly, I just wanted to see if C. S. Lewis was really a hot-button person. I'd say the experiment was a roaring success. If you like, I'll post a glowing review of Till We Have Faces to counterbalance my other criticisms. Even though we all know gushing isn't as interesting.

jemmo said...

"That would be rather inconvenient, as I've sworn to loathe him for all of eternity."

Captain Shar said...

Ooh, ooh, I'll be the fanboy!

Mackenzie said...

Haha... I still am sort of in shock that I LIKED that movie....

"truly, he has no improper pride. If you only knew his generous nature."

Even though I like the BBC version better.