Wednesday, December 14, 2005 be happy

I fell again yesterday. Twice. I hurt my wrist this time. I suppose I should be glad I didn't hurt my head.

I also discovered that if I ever have to jumpstart my car, I'd be so screwed. Meredith's car wouldn't start, so we thought, hey, Meredith's got jumper cables, she can call her dad and find out how to do it, and we can jump her car from my car battery. Well, I got the car up to where Meredith was, and we discovered that my battery is hidden somewhere under a bunch of other parts. So that wasn't going to work. But a nice boy saw us standing around with the cables and our emergency blinkers on and came over to help. He very kindly jumped Meredith's car from his truck, and he'd done this before, so no one exploded. (How is it that boys seem to just absorb this kind of knowledge? Meredith's younger brother knew how to jump the car too.) But if my battery ever goes dead, heaven only knows what I'll do.

Finals are officially over for me. I got my butt kicked by them, but at least they're over. I feel less like a triumphant runner finishing a marathon than a runner who started out triumphant and ended up quadriplegic by the end of the marathon. But possibly sleep, some home-cooked food, and some free time will help with that. I'm leaving tomorrow at 7:30 am, and God willing will arrive in Huntsville at 12:30.

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