Thursday, January 06, 2005

Stupid Freaking Printers

Yes, I know I was going to be in bed by eleven every night during J-term.... But I have to print out my first IGDPS project or else I'll get an F. So I sit here, just waiting for it to print. No matter how long it takes, I shall sit here and wait for it to print. Because I have no choice.

Liz is still stuck in NH. Poor Liz. She's going to have a lot of Philosophy homework to make up. That makes me rather sad. I'm sure it makes her even sadder though.

Yes, it's true that there's a supposed $200 fine for taking food out of Lottie (I don't know that it's ever been enforced) and that if you get caught having sex it's only a $25 fine. Highly ironic and quite amusing. I'm not sure WHY I find the disparity so amusing, because by rights it should probably make me cry.

Hark, is that the sound of a printer? YES! YES IT IS!


[Choruses of angels singing their little winged hearts out in the background. They really ought to get a solo one of these days.]

Hallelujah! IT PRINTED!! I CAN GO TO BED NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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